Brittany & Alexander

October 12, 2024 • Paso Robles, CA

Brittany & Alexander

October 12, 2024 • Paso Robles, CA

Our Story

Our story begins in the fall of 2015 as juniors at the University of California, Riverside. As a recent transfer on the baseball team, Alex was tasked with hosting a housewarming party for the other college athletic teams. It was there when Alex, first set eyes on the future love of his life. Introduced by mutual friends, Alex briefly managed to convince Brittany that he was a new transfer student from Oklahoma despite atrociously butchering a southern accent. This marked the first of many terrible jokes he would make with her throughout college.

The two quickly hit it off and could rarely be found apart during their leisure time in Riverside. As collegiate athletes, they found many commonalities in one another, including a fiercely competitive nature, diligence in their crafts, integrity, and, most importantly, a committed love for each other. As college drew to a close, the two knew they would remain on this life path together. However, a few days before graduation, Alex learned that he was drafted by the St. Louis Cardinals and needed to report to his minor league team in Florida.

Despite the challenges of a long-distance relationship, they knew their bond was too special to give up. After graduation, Brittany returned home to her roots in Sherman Oaks and began a career in property management. Meanwhile, Alex climbed up the ranks of the minor leagues in the South and Midwest. Neither anticipated this long-distance relationship would go on for nearly seven years. Even the off-season included winter ball, which meant time together was often limited to weeks, not months. Nevertheless, the time apart indeed proved the heart grows fonder.

In July 2022, Alex retired from professional baseball and moved in with Brittany. Alex began a career as a collegiate coach and trainer, while Brittany continued to excel within her company. Going from spending so little physical time together to living with each other did nothing to quell their love. In fact, their relationship only grew stronger and proved to them that the other was their forever person.

In October of 2023, at a dinner attended by his mom and Brittany’s parents, Alex got down on one knee and asked Brittany to spend the rest of her life with him. At some point between tears, Brittany said yes. And now, in a few short months, Brittany and Alex can’t wait to celebrate their nuptials before their closest friends and family in beautiful wine country.